Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Open a New Window..

This is the 2009 honeymoon pic of the Princess and I. She the Ironwoman and I the writer. This is the first year I could go to the beach and take my shirt off and be like I'm actually skinner than the gold lame` speedo man. Yes he does exist and yes I am trying to find the picture I took of him. He had that grey chest hair that sprouted off his chest like a hairy fur man coat. One thing going on the gratitude list is that I am not a hairy beast. Thank you genes thank you.

Anyway another reason why I posted this pic is because yesterday was the 25th anniversary of The Princess and I being brother and sister. Since either one of us isn't planning marriage anytime soon ( That is why the parental unit had the little nip insurance policy for grandkids) anyway at the Great Aunt's and Uncle's 50th wedding anniversary we came up with a brillant idea. We would throw a huge party at our 50th for being brother and sister. So in 25 years you are all invited for the 50th. Though 25 was great it was kinda rough. Everybody was busy.

Its hard to throw yourself back into the life you left almost five years ago. When I left Ogden I had to make new friends, new town, and even a new grocrey store. But when I left Logan I felt like I left home. On the Fisherman's birthday (May 2nd write it down send a card) it rained so hard. It was what my grams (Not Grandma Dar but a wise woman from my mission) called a funneral rain. With the civic loaded up with all my possesions I drove on main street crying my eyes out and I was scared to go home. Isn't that silly?

Now I am getting settled. Finally subscribed to the paper and got the most bare boned basic cable and internet package. Had a princess moment on the phone and got a great deal. Who knew? The butt pain is starting to diminsh. Yippe!
But a even more wonderful birthday surprise. The Momma got me a gift certificate to Gold's Gym! Now I can start up the Mamma Mia workout again!
Perhaps being 25 isn't so bad.
Maybe this is the year I get married.
Get a job.
Make my parents grandparents.
Or not.

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