Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Working 9-5 (ish)

At least Buddha was having a party. 
I needed a do over today. I’ve been hearing aids since I was four. The habit of putting them in every morning is not a foreign concept. I don’t put them in till after I shower and this morning I was not functioning like at all. It was so bad I couldn’t even make my eyes function on the Instagram.(*Yes it’s still a problem and yes I guilt myself every morning over it.) Which caused all sort of panic cause having one handicap is entertaining enough I can’t wait till the day I’m deaf and blind. Which will make things easy for Halloween cause I’ll always have a costume (Helen Keller).

Staggering towards the shower, mainly cause I tripped over my ottoman (No. I wasn’t drunk. Just to clarify.) and proceeded to rush things together. I live on a busy street with three schools that start at 8:00 am. If I don’t leave my house by 7:15 I’m in school zone hell so I really had to move it this morning to beat the rush. I made it to work Just all ready to go ( I even remembered my gym bag!) till someone said good morning! And I didn’t hear them. That’s when it dawned on me.

I forgot to put my hearing aids in.

Head in palm.

So I debated for about three minutes with myself which went something like this. Weelll I don’t answer the phone anymore, and my co-workers are really quiet and I don’t have to really talk to people so do I really need them? The answer was yes.

Back in the car for me! It took me an hour and that’s discounting the time from Starbucks (Is it a sign you have a “problem” when you say good morning and they know who you are and your order? Just asking for a friend.)  

The rest of the day went just as awesome.

P.S. Sorry Mr. Trainer.

P.P.S I really deserved it.

P.P.P.S The baristas told me.

P.P.P.P.S We won’t talk about lunch. (One bright side a free milkshake from Chick fil Lay! I went home twice today and both times I forgot my lunch. Am I going to be forgetful, blind and deaf? If so does that qualify me for a parking spot up front? (Again asking for a friend.) 

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