Wednesday, September 20, 2017

I Just Want to Finish Okay?

Signed. Sealed.Delivered.If you want a handwritten note drop me a comment or email me. 

I am an amazing starter. No really. I love to come up with great projects. I can see the end so clearly. Brainstorming, research, putting things together is where I come alive. Hence the reason why I always end up on committees. The last two jobs I’ve had have been jobs where essentially, I’ve created the job as I’ve gone along.  I call it going in the jungle with a machete knife and a lantern. It’s amazing.

Yet when it comes to finishing?

I’m terrible. When I was in high school we had to do the personality assessment test, meet with a guidance counselor and plan our future. I’ll never forget Mrs. Kopecky explaining to me how if I chose to be a surgeon I would be the one at the start of the surgery but towards the middle would hand the scalpel to the resident and say don’t kill anybody. When I finish projects it’s kind of a big deal. Yet as I’ve gotten older I want to be a finisher. One who says today is the day I clean the bathroom and actually clean it and not spend a good hour at Target* (*I may have a small problem) looking at cleaning supplies.

So this week I had to take a step back and ask are my fitness goals something I want to and have fun with or is this something I feel I have to do. Which makes things complicated.

Cause I miss the feeling of being a finisher not just a starter.  

On the other hand I remembered my hearing aids today so progress! 

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