Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Stomach Back and There's Going to Be Trouble...

I wrote myself a postcard a couple of months ago when I started this blog and I sent it to myself a few weeks ago with out looking at what I wrote.

" Hey Fatty,
Congrats on starting the blog and making the goal to lose weight! You are going to be awesome! But send this postcard when you gain the weight back, know that you can do this! You are strong! You are wonderful! You are BFU!
Best of Luck! You can do this! "


As you can guess it kinda came back. Today was one of those days when you look at yourself and go yup. I've been using food as an emotional buffer again!

The Bridget Jones Moment:


Water 3 liters

Breakfast: Handful of fruit and a yoplait 100 calorie yogurt.

Lunch: Junipter Burger with onion rings

Dinner: Scoop of Almond Divinty Ice Cream.

String cheese.

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