Sunday, May 31, 2009

Love is All around...

This is how I felt today. Last night I had crazy dreams and I dreamnt that I was in a Mary Tylery Moore episode (That and I had Love is All Around No Need to Fake it...all you need to do is take it your going to make it after all...picture me with big hand gestures at the end of that.)
Then I realized why.
I felt Skinny. Have you ever had those moments where you suddenly just stop and go I can walk up a flight of stairs without hanging on to the rails gasping like a 90 year old smoker.
When I put a shirt on my buttons don't strain against my stomach going Hold on its gonna blow!
I actually have to wear a belt with my shorts. Last year I ripped every pair in the croch beccause I was so ashamed to buy new pants.
Size 34 is actually an option instead of a maybe.
I can work at Farr's Ice Cream and not eat every flavor in the bin. (This is huge folks. Do you know how great and wonderfully tasteful it is?)
This year I am going to Hawaii and I am not afraid to go to the Beach. Last year I kept on having this nightmare that I would be laying on the beach and all the people of the beach would come running toward me going Beached Whale! Beached Whale! Throw it back! Throw it back!
But here is the most important part.
I'm Actually Happy.
Like Freaking Juile Andrews on Top of a Mountain Happy.
Tom Cruise Jumping On Oprah's Couch Happy.
Laughing with people you love happy.
Ps. My 25th birthday is on the 22nd of June. Circle your calendars.
No Bridget Jones Moment Tonight. Its Sunday.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

All My Milkshakes bring the Girls to the Yard...

Sorry about the sudden irregularity of postings. (Is irregularity a word?) I started South Beach again! Its funny but it adds a sense of control to my life. I feel like I have a purpose again.

I want to thank all of you for your help and kind words about me going back to work at Farr's. I realize now that this is what I am suppose to do. Do I like it? I am amazed at myself lately. When I think I am going to stuff my face with ice cream I think of the weight I lost and how hard it was to lose it. Its not fun! Really! So I don't even taste it. It takes a strong amount of self control. I mean really can you imagne what its like to be on the other side of the counter? Its a free for all.

However I am not indulging.

Not even a little bit.

Here is a the real reason why you all tune in...

The Bridget Jones Moment

This is for yesterday.

Weight: 209!
Water:6 liters
Steps: 11,206 or 6.6 miles
Breakfeast: 2 eggs scrambled with mushrooms, 4oz of yogurt, and 3 pieces of celery with natural peanut butter.
Lunch: Chicken salad with celery and mushrooms, 4oz of yogurt string cheese.
Dinner: a small bowl of wheat pasta.
Snacks: 15 almonds sugar free dove chocolate and 3 sugar free mints.
Till tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Smells Like Desperation.

When I was in High School there were three things I vowed I would never do.
  1. Drive a Mini Van (As you can see in the photo above I already did that one working at Aggie Ice Cream.
  2. Listen to Beyonce. (Did that one this morning. Can't help it the Single Ladies Song just moves me in the right direction when I work out.)
  3. Go scoop Ice Cream At Farrs after Graduation.

Well folks. I just broke number three today. So if you want to see me come out of retirement of scooping in all my Blake Got Fat Glory I will be at Farr's Ice Cream from 12-5 Wends, 3-9 on Friday, and 5-10 on Saturday. Cause I am just that cool.

If you are one of the first people that come into see me I will give you my 2 free scoops. Because if I eat them its going to be Blake got Fatter.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Feel Pretty Oh So Pretty...

The Little Aunt was so nice to model Lauren's prom dress for us. Here she is in Emily Mode.

To quote the Little Aunt "Why am I doing this?"

Eyes closed! But photographed in Vivid Color!

My favorite! She looks so grown up! Who said you can't wear a prom dress everywhere?

I put your picture away...

Sugar is bad folks. So bad that it is now 12:03 in the morning and all of the nasty sugar I have eaten has caused me to be hpyeractive this late at night. I'm not very exicited because I am in a isolated Idaho town and I am feeling a little lost. So what do I do? I turn to food. That wonderful fatty substance that I can devour and eat all the time instead of facing the pain. I wish I had the will power I had when I started this blog. I hope that things get better.

It has to right?

Well anyway here is some pics. Want to see who ran the marathon? I thought so. Here you go!

Here is the Momma Joye. She was sick and still finished! Doesn't she look cute?

The Princess and The Nip.

The Momma and the Princess. The Princess encouraged the Momma and hence the marthon runners were born. I on the other hand ran away to Sun Valley to stuff my face with Despos (formally Desperados) and ice cream really healthy right?


Saturday, May 23, 2009


Don't ya just love the summer clouds? Where you can just lay back and make a wish..or

Read a book...

Or just lay back and take a brief nap.

Sometimes you just need to take a break now and then. But come monday its back to southbeach and workouts trying not to look fat anymore. However today is just a day to relax, breathe for a moment before I start work again at Farr's. So for right now I am going to enjoy the moment. I invite all of you to join me. Will you do that? Take a big breath and go AHHH...

I 'll even join you.


Love Story Baby Just Say Yes...

Wanna Guess where I am at the moment? Here is a hint: (Very Casablanca don't you think? )

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Devil Went Down to Georgia

It may come down to this.

I might have to return to the place of my weight gain inorder to keep myself in the lifestyle that I have grown fond of. Not Starving.

So Blake Got Fat Readers...

Yes I should Go Back


Run Away and keep on with the job search..

Check yes or no. (Cause this has a strange resemblance to those notes you used to pass back and forth through Middle School).

Bridget Jones Moment Update.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dirty Little Secret...

I fell in lust for another Kitchen Aid today.
It was Silver. Like shiny silver. Pretty Silver.
Don't tell Jorge.
We are in couples therapy and this will set him back.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Cause it Happened in Sun Valley!

What can I say? When you get offered a free flight via Vern Farr Airlines who am I to no? As I was virtueously applying for jobs this morning a rare oppurinty occured. The phone rang and it wasn't for Momma Joye it was for me! Huzzah Miracles of Miracles! (At first I thought it might be a somebody calling for a job interview) so in my best professional voice I asnwered. It was my grandpa.

But that was okay.

Cause after I recovered from the disappointment he called and said he was flying to Sun Valley. Did I want to go? Why not? Score one for unemployment! Want to go out to lunch? Sure! Want to go for a hike? Why not my schedule is already empty! Want to go to Sun Valley? Why not?

So being unemployed does have its benifts. Who knew?

Bridget Jones Moment coming tonight? Are you exicited? I know I am!

Here's a little juciy secret. Emily, Momma Joye and the Nip are running the Ogden Marathon tomorrow. If you are in downtown Ogden with nothing to do..around 10:30 or so you should go cheer for them. Tell them that I sent ya.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tell Me Where is it Written What Iam meant to be?

My life has gotten so exiciting lately. This is what I fill out hour after hour, day after day I just sit here at the computer creating marvelous lists of why I am so fabolous. Obiviously employers don't read my blog or else they would know how goal orientend, company orientend, and focused I am. I look at these growing days of endless application process as a humbling lesson. For all of those times I had two or three jobs and I would say to myself one day I am just going to relax and do nothing. When in reality I realize that doing nothing is like a cancer for my brain.

I am nervous. I feel the old food cravings come back. I've lost the moviation to excerise and leave the house. I have become the Boo Radley of the neighborhood. Floating around scaring small children, and the neighbors seem to all talk about me. (Paranoid? Me? Totally false!)

But its time to focus on the real reason why you tune in to the Blake Got Fat Show...

The One

The Only

The Truly Sensational Moment of The Evening...

The Bridget Jones Moment!

Weight: 212

Steps Walked: 5608 or 2.9 miles

Minutes worked out:20

A bowl of Frosted Flakes

Lunch: Strawberries and yogurt

Dinner: Lean Crusine of Chicken and Brocoli

Snacks: A bowl of airpopped popcorn without salt or butter. A piece of chocolate, A fudgesical

(2x) cause I can't help myself the healthy choice is too dang good! In your face Kroger brand!

Where is it Written?

So why didn't anybody tell me how awesome this show was? Caught the last two episdoes and went Woah!

I think I need to be on here don't ya think?

Monday, May 11, 2009

After You've Gone..and left me crying...

This was me today. So after the coolness of graduation, moving, and my Old Faithful incident life here has gotten kinda boring. Wait. I take that back. I was so bored that Momma Joye distracted me with The View and snuck out of the house so that she didn't have to entertain me anymore. I guess the constant questioning of "Where you going? Can I come to? Huh Huh Can I Momma Joye Can I?

In case you were wondering I apply everyday for three hours online peddling myself on the virtual realm. "Hire ME! Pick ME! I'm CUTE! I'm fun!" I'm like a hyperactive hypoglymic child who just had a candy bar.

So after moping around the house I finally got my lazy butt outside. So I went for a hike. Thinking that I was suddenly blessed with the same hyperactive genes as my sister and father I realized two minutes in that I am a casual jogger/old lady power walker what's even stranger is that I am okay with it.

Who knew?

So if you are there at work, reading this as I go running around the neighbor figthing the urge to go purge at Farr's Ice Cream (Cause now that I don't have to make it I crave for it nightly.) think to yourself.


This was me earlier today watching The View.

Weight: 210!


Steps walked: A lot (Pedometer went MIA during the move)

Water: 5 ozs

Breakfeast: Yogurt (4oz)s

Lunch: A open faced Tuna Sandwhich

Dinner: Chicken, Strawberries, Aspargus, and watermelon!

Snacks: A sugar free fudgesical, handful of chips, prunes, and jello.

P.S. Denise gets the BLAKEGOTFATMOMMA award for being awesome!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother Dear I Love You So...

For Mothers Day I finally got the chance to log in and create a little something special here on Blake Got Fat. My mother is my number one champion in this journey for weight loss. It was her that said yes you can instead of yeah keep dreaming fatso.
I am so grateful the Lord said to her "He's a little special and defective but I think you are going to like him" and she has kept me around for awhile.

On a totally off topic interuption. Karma rules! So my Dad has been given me grief about Old Faithful in the backyard and the lost keys etc. Well I went to church came home and he attacked the main sewer line. Mine was a temporary fix. His? Not so much. Hum..karma gotta love it...

Now back to mothers

I love my Momma Joye! But I was thinking today during Sunday school about all the others who have helped me, taught me so much this year. So if you don't mind I am going to honor them for their stand out acheivement and give them the first ever Blake Got Fat Momma Award! (I'm not calling my momma fat its just the way the award sounds its our first year give us some time)

To Second Mom Ms. Holli: Thank you for your friendship to my mother. It is this friendship and love that teaches me about strong friendships and people to turn to when times are rough.

To my Aunt Pam: She is a wonderful person! Her laugh and geniune care about me through out my entire life has made me feel so special to be her nephew.

To my Aunt Jill: I love my little aunt! Thank you for always being there for me and letting me go with you everywhere, for those long Grey's Anatomy talks while we hike, and most importantly for just being you!

To My friend April: This last year I have witnessed your strength and determination and geniune love for your family. It has not been easy for you and while I wish I could say that I was the one that gave you comfort you were the one that taught me the value of grief in a person's life, to look for ways to serve. I am so grateful for you.

To My friend Alli: For a first time mother whose baby is constantly fighting for his life, it is you that has shown me that motherhood can be done with grace and strength. Each day you fight for your child. Each day you learn about a different aspect of human suffering but you remain hopeful. To you I must say thank you for teaching me to be hopeful and postive when days are rough. I cannot begin to complain.

To My Grandma Dar: If anyone has taught me to be a better human being it is you. Grandma Dar has taught me the most important lesson. To give yourself first. To give a little wether it be food, whether it be your money, or most importantly yourself. To always think of "what can I do for others instead of myself" and also to laugh. Selfless is the lesson I learn from you.

To My "Grammy"- Ms. Holli Mom- Taught me the power of prayer. At Harry's funeral I had the rare chance to listen to her pray. If I could pray with such love and devotion, and hope I would be so ever grateful.

To Amy: Thanks for being the number one Blake Got Fat Fan!

To Kathy: Thanks for all the Laughs at Aggie Ice Cream and being one of the best bosses! I miss you everyday!

To all of you who has said hello, cared, given, spoke to me I love you and wish I could spend more hours talking about how you have helped me on my weight loss journey!

Bridget Jones Moment:
Water:2 oz
Breakfeast: 2 bowls of Lucky charms
Lunch: A half of tuna fish sandwhich on Sourdough.
Dinner: A hamburger, baked beans, watermelon, strawberries, honeydew and a piece of my awesome aunt Robins cheesecake. Plus a million pieces of carmel corn.

Its time to start up the south beach again.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm Sorry So Sorry..

Things have been a little outdated lately since I've moved home to Ogden. After trying to get adjusted to the Bungalow, job searching, and getting on the internet its been hard to post! I miss all of you!

Things have been going okay. Trust me. When I get more settled its going to be a everyday show again!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Look at Me I'm Blakee B..

I had quite the day yesterday. I started moving into the bungalow and being the nice person that I am as you can see by this lovely photo I mowed the lawn. Well buried deep with in the lawn lay a terrible secret. A hidden spigot for water. Well I didn't know that there was a hidden spigot for water and sheared it off. Needless to say I had a miniture verison of Old Faithful in the backyard. In all of this ballyhoo (don't you just love the word ballyhoo) I locked the keys inside the house. So I'm going to Park City to go get them.
But better news.
I am 213.6!
There is hope!
Bridget Jones Moment coming to you tonight!
Sorry for the delay folks. I am adjusting to being a grown up and edumactated.
Cause I got me graduated you know.
I think I need to go back

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Name Was Called

(This isn't me in the picture)

Some thoughts on Graduation

I didn't know what would be done with me.

When my name called.

All I could think of was how grateful for the English gentleman who actually read my name right.

Did I smile? All I could think of shake the mans hand and smile.

Did I smile?

The only words that could out of my mouth were "Thank You"

Walking down the ramp.

Sitting down.

Four years for two minutes.

Do I feel educated?

Am I done learning?

Feeling awkward.

Smelling the wet cardboard.


