Thursday, November 25, 2010


You know what I'm thankful for today? Heat. This is round two of camping indoors with no heat. I would be fine with this fact if the power was out but I have the latest statement from Rocky Mountain Power showing that I paid my bill so I should be frolicking in 60 degree heat yes? No. Lets try forty two degrees and I'm camped out in my bed (aka my own version of the fortress of solitude. Shut up) with the electric blanket turned up to high, my flannel sheets, down comforter, a quilt, another quilt and the mini down comforter on top of that. With my two beanies and down coat and marker gloves and two pairs of smart wool socks. So I am very toasty.

It's rather nice.

Reading books and facebook stalking. I don't think I'm going to get out of bed. I mean really? Why? I've got everything I need here and since its so cold I took all my food out of my fridge and placed it on my nightstand so I can have a snack whenever I want one. This is brilliant! I is genius!


It's thanksgiving.


That means I'm going to have to get out at some point huh.

Oh well. Happy Thanksgiving.

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