Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Think I'm Falling For You...

May I be the first to introduce my new friends George and Martha? (George is on the left and Martha is on the right. Just in case you were wondering). And if my shoe choice is known at all it is known that I'm rather fond of the red shoe variety. So when I went to Striders (way cool staff! Go in say hi! Support Local Businesses!) I had a choice between two pairs of shoes. Though they had all the specifications and fancy runner shoe stuff they just didn't have that spark. After running around the store testing a different pairs of shoes I was ready to give up. But then out of simple brown Nike box appeared George and Martha. What can I say? I have good taste in shoes? Besides shoes are the best accessory if you are fat. While clothes may drown you, or be too tight it is the shoes that make your feet look just right. (Now I need to do something manly to overcome that statement.)

Though I know that George and Martha have a brief shelf life of 300 to 500 runs and I will eventually get new shoes it is this pair that gave me back a little something when I had nothing else to gain from life. They are like two puppies waiting by the door tripping me when I get home and happy to be allowed to breathe after a nice long sweaty run. They are truly good friends. Though you may think I'm rather odd but I know I'm not the only one...

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