Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm Not Calling You A Liar...

I want me some sugar!


Not that kind of sugar.

The grainy kind.

Get your mind out of the gutter.

Its week two. And things are going great. I sleep better. My skin is clearing up and my insides are functioning a lot better. But it's a boring world without coke sometimes. I notice when I walk down the street I no longer want to teach the world to sing. However since giving up coke I notice how many people drink soda. We are a very happy soda drinking city here in O town. It comes in all sizes and shapes pretty and ugly it's a universal drink.

Yet I think how much I have spent on it.

For such a cheap drink and my bad math skills I figured if I spent 1.25 a day on a bottle that's 459.59 cents a year I would spend on just one bottle for everyday. That's a lot of sugar!

I'm a little obsessed. Can't you tell?


  1. way to go on two weeks...im at like at week 3 with no soda, and feel so much better. I can't say i have totally stayed off sugar cuz then i'd be lying, because i have snuck a few choc macs my husband sent from hawaii, and my mom made me try her key lime pie this weekend. but my kids said this morning "you're getting skinny mom!" that made my day!

  2. Hi Blake...so I was just catching up with your blog...and saw this post.
    Here is the recipe: sparkling water and juice.
    This will save your soda cravin life.
    (make sure the juice is only juice with no added sugar....my favorite is apple. makes it taste like Martinelli's.) It gives you that soda burn.
    love you bud
