Call me today.
My bags are packed, the letter of resignation is written and ready to be dropped off to the mailbox I'm sure my boss would understand. I'm ready to vacate my life. Ready to take the art off the walls put the books in boxes and purge my clothes.
I dream of leaving. Leaving with just my clothes and the memories stitched inside my skin. I want to stand on a different horizon. To see the sun rise and set in a different place. I wanna drive a different car and see the stars.
I'm ready to put this life aside and chase after that one that I dreamed of years ago. I realized today that it is almost two years ago that I started this blog. Two years! In that two years I lost 20 pounds gained 40 and graduated from a university! Went back to work at my high school job (which truly humbled me a lot) moved in with my parents, moved out from my parents and to top it all off got a job that has great benefits but it is slowly killing me.
When I started this blog I started it with the vain attempt to be just skinny. Cause if I was skinny my life would be perfect right? Well apparently life requires more than skinniness. So I want an adventure this next year.
Anybody care to join me?
I wanna come! Some days it would be nice to just be able to drop everything and do what I want all day long. And I'm there with ya on the weight loss thing. I always thought my life would be perfect if I could just lose some weight, but it wasn't the weight that made life hard, it was my attitude :D Thanks for always posting! I read your blog often, although I don't always comment. Thanks!