Monday, March 29, 2010

In Which I Finally Reemerge from Seclusion.

There were so many great openings for this post inside my head. Wonderful words strung together making it sound like I had been gone on some marvelous journey, some deep soul searching adventure, and when I felt ready to pick up the blog torch I would be witty, fun, and exciting.

But in reality I worked so much and stuffed my face that I had nothing to say. I had to go away in order to reevaluate what I was doing. When your life go nuts you often don't have the chance to explain it till it already has happened.

So let me recap for you.

I received an email from anonymous person just ripping my blog, me, my family, and if they would have had the time Canada. So I stopped.

But I missed it.

I missed sharing the oddness that is my life.

So I sucked it up and wrote this post. So if you read me before I've come back. A little fatter, a little weaker, but I'm here. Running and dieting my heart out.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I love your blog and I've been sad at the lack of updates. Hang in there! I think USU is calling you to come back and get your master's. :)
